Over 25 companies came to the Oman American Business Center’s special tour of Maharat Academy on April 4th.  Members and guests of the OABC were able to tour each part of the institute, meet instructors, and learn about the very unique and beneficial “Apprenticeship Program” currently underway in various disciplines.

High school graduates receive employability skills training for the first four months of their program – base curriculum includes teamwork, ethics and other important workplace topics, HSE, first aid, English, marketing and sales, IT training, and more. For the next 8 months, the students study accredited accounting materials for 1 year and receive a certificate following completion.  Companies who pledge to hire these students mid-program are also able to begin customizing the coursework to fit their own organizations while the training is still going on.  Members met with Junior Accountant trainees keen to work upon graduation in June, and also learned about the other sorts of training available at Maharat.

Find more photos here.

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