On October 18,th 2016, the OABC partnered with the U.S. Embassy to enable members to participate in person and online in a webinar entitled “Tourism ‘Opportunities for US business in the Tourism sector in Oman.”n’. In an effort to attract over 11 million visitors per year to Oman by 2040, the government of Oman has approved a new National 2040 Tourism Strategy to grow the tourism sector, adding more than 3,000 hotel rooms by 2020 alone. Ministry of Tourism officials will be working closely with private-sector partners in the development of tourism “clusters” creating a series of unique tourism experiences in different areas of Oman, reflecting local culture and heritage. U.S. Ambassador to Oman Marc J. Sievers, along with speakers from Oman’s government and private sector, will hosthosted the webinar for small, medium, and large U.S. companies interested in opportunities in Oman’s tourism sector.