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MUSCAT, OMAN: In collaboration with Abdulredha Al Lawati Lawyers & Counsels (ALC) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC),  the Oman American Business Center (OABC) hosted “Oman’s Tax and Legal Landscape” on February 7, at the Sheraton Oman Hotel.

The session included a brief time of business networking over breakfast, followed by legal and tax presentations covering a variety of key topics, and ended with plenty of time for Q & A.

Speaker Abdulredha Al Lawati, Founder of ALC, discussed the current laws related to court processes and commercial practice.  His presentation was followed by PwC’s Ghalia Al Sharji, Tax Senior Manager, who covered Oman’s 2022 State Budget. Finally, Darcy White, Tax & Legal Services Partner discussed e-invoicing, personal income tax, regional trends, and the future of Oman’s tax legislation.

Events like this one are part of OABC’s overall mission to facilitate trade and investment between Oman and the USA, and to support ease of doing business in Oman”, says Ali Daud, Founder and Chairman Emeritus of OABC.  “Oman is moving towards its Vision 2040 and more changes affecting the private sector will certainly come.  We are proud to partner with firms like ALC and PWC and host sessions that keep our members informed about key developments across all sectors.”

“The past few years have seen a big shift in the global tax landscape in terms of how countries are expected to tax, record and report on resident entities and individuals,” says Darcy White, Tax Partner at PwC Middle East Oman. “Global influence on local tax policy is greater than ever before, fueled particularly by the OECD’s Inclusive Framework on BEPS, which Oman is a member of. The BEPS Project brings with it significant compliance requirements to meet multilateral cooperation objections. This coupled with the increased focus on taxation in Oman’s Vision 2020 and the 2022 Budget means that taxable entities will need to ensure they are “tax ready” for the future. This doesn’t just mean ensuring they are aware of compliance matters, as with the introduction of new taxes and compliance requirements, for example, e-invoicing. Being tax ready also means ensuring entities have the right policies and systems in place to meet the Government’s reporting obligations.”  

“The last couple of years have shown the government’s efforts to confirm its clear intention to develop the country forward under Vision 2040, ” says Abdulredha Al Lawati, Founder of ALC Lawyers & Counsels. “Over 100 Royal Decrees were promulgated in the last two years and most of those decrees were issued to facilitate the investment environment in Oman and promote opportunities within the country. The issued Royal Decrees were not covering the businesses only, but it also restructured the systems in other wide areas. Due to the increase of the cases post-COVID, the government has deeply considered the Courts’ procedures. The Law Simplifying the Process in Some Cases (RD 125/2020) has created wide differences in the practice. Minimizing the duration before the courts was a fundamental change. Further, the promulgation of the Commercial Companies Law and Foreign Investment Law was a great area which the government aims to develop. Removal of minimum capital and providing expats the chance to set up their business independently was the main aim of these laws.”

“They say the only constant in life changes, and this is certainly true in business as well,” says Rebecca Olson, Executive Director of the OABC. “It’s essential for all companies to stay updated with key information about recent changes and expert predictions about where things are headed, especially in key areas with huge implications on their business, like legislation and tax.  We’re thankful to our sponsor and partner ALC for co-hosting this important event and shining a light on many different aspects of Omani law, and to the team at PwC for their partnership and expert presentations.”

Members of the OABC who attended the event were invited to receive a complimentary short consultation with ALC and/or PwC if desired, as a further benefit of OABC membership.

 As the official affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Oman (AmCham Oman), the OABC promotes understanding, partnerships & other matters of mutual economic interest between business communities in Oman and the United States.  

 Formed in 2003, the OABC is the official affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Oman. OABC’s mission is to foster the development of commercial activity between Oman and the United States.  With more than 30 events annually and over 175 member companies, OABC is Oman’s most active business council and networking group.

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MUSCAT, OMAN: Oman’s most active business networking organization, the Oman American Business Center (OABC), hosted “Linked In Hacks” for member executives on Wednesday, January 12 at the Royal Tulip Muscat Hotel.

The session was designed to equip professionals from companies within the OABC looking to level up their own Linked In skills and techniques but was especially directed towards sales, business, development, and commercial roles engaged in B2B marketing. Unlike OABC’s first Linked In session hosted in 2020, this more advanced workshop required attendees to have prior experience on Linked In and an existing account on the platform.  OABC member and presenter Mohammed Al Tamami, known as one of Oman’s top digital stratagists, covered a variety of ways to “hack the system” and get posts seen, liked, shared, and noticed by the right people, creating new opportunities to do business.

The workshop included a brief time of networking and coffee, a presentation, and time for Q & A.

Tamami says, “Linked In, similar to any social media tool, requires utilizing a certain etiquette and specific methods in order to access the wealth of resources it can bring to us. Sharing my experience with others through OABC’s last Linked In session for members made a big difference to those who are now actively using it, and this inspired us to hold more such workshops. The focus of this event was to focus on that B2B and B2C sales aspect of Linked In: what to remember, what to avoid, and examples for those involved in online relationship building with clients.”

“One thing we’ve learned from the COVID-19 era is that sometimes without warning, our online life takes front and center and the physical is no longer easily accessible,” says Rebecca Olson, Executive Director of the OABC. “Linked In was a useful resource before, but now it is an essential platform for those in corporate roles. Its use is growing daily in Oman as a place to explore new connections, vet people before you meet them, or present oneself and one’s services to the business community.  Creating an effective personal and business profile can open new doors for both new professionals and those who’ve been in the business community for a long time.  As Oman’s largest and most active networking group, OABC is focused on supporting the relationships between member companies both online and in person.  We’re thankful for Mohammed Al Tamami for his time in preparing the session, and for his great passion in equipping others to excel in their own online networking.”

As the official affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Oman (AmCham Oman), the OABC promotes understanding, partnerships & other matters of mutual economic interest between business communities in Oman and the United States.

Formed in 2003, the OABC is the official affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Oman.  OABC’s mission is to foster the development of commercial activity between Oman and the United States.  With more than 30 events annually and over 165 member companies, OABC is Oman’s most active business council and networking group.

Mohammed Al Tamami is a Media Planning & Strategy graduate who spent 10+ years of his career working on global consulting and advisory assignments on innovation, technology and strategy, and is the Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer of a young and upcoming financial technology start-up that provides AI-driven capabilities for the financial services industry.

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Muscat, Oman: On December 14th, the Oman American Business Center (AmCham Oman) hosted its 2021 Biennial General Meeting and Board Elections at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Qurum. During this event, OABC leadership presented the organization’s progress over the past two years and announced the outcome of the 2021 OABC Board Elections. Guests and attendees included OABC company members, VIPs from the Oman business community, and representatives from the U.S Embassy.

 Seven members of the OABC were elected to serve on the Board. Four members maintained ex-officio or permanent seats including Ali Daud, Chairman and Founder of the OABC; Emmee Haun, Co-founder of the OABC; Fouad Eid, Vice-President of the OABC; and Gary Schumann, Chief Commercial Officer at the US Embassy in Muscat.

 The seven members elected to the Board of Directors include reelected members Marla Valdez: Principal, Valdez SPC; Paul Murphy: Grand Hyatt Muscat, General Manager; Shayan Sumar: Apex Transgulf Manufacturing LLC, Director of Operations; and Talal Al Subhi: Rohn Products International Arabia LLC, Executive Director.  Newly elected members include Mohab Ali Al Hinai, Sustainable Investments LLC, Co-founder; Nourah Yousef Mustafa Mehyar: Nafith Logistics, CEO, and Samir Messaoudi: Sheraton Oman Hotel at Marriott International, General Manager.

“There are more member companies in the OABC today than there were at our last Biennial General Meeting in December 2019,” says Rebecca Olson, Executive Director of the OABC.  “This is just one indicator showing that OABC did not merely survive the pandemic as a business organization, but we have grown together as a network committed to enhancing Oman’s business environment, connecting business leaders from every sector in Oman, and fostering bilateral trade between Oman and the United States.”

As the official affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Oman (AmCham Oman), the OABC promotes understanding, partnerships & other matters of mutual economic interest between business communities in Oman and the United States.  

 Formed in 2003, the OABC’s mission is to foster the development of commercial activity between Oman and the United States.  With more than 30 events annually and over 160 member companies, OABC is Oman’s most active business center and networking group. 

 The Oman American Business Center (OABC) is known for its advocacy on behalf of Oman’s private sector, and for hosting high-level professional networking events and informational sessions for professionals across the Sultanate.

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On December 12, OABC’s Corporate Members The Business Year hosted a high-level panel discussion under the patronage of H.E Qais bin Mohammed Al Yousef: Oman Vision 2040: The Future of Investments.

Thank you to The Business Year for our partnership, and for creating an opportunity to join an incredible group of stakeholders for a key discussion about Oman’s Vision 2040. We were also thrilled to see more than 60 OABC member registrations.

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MUSCAT:  The United States and Oman are celebrating 12 years of trade under the U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement (FTA), a bilateral accord that lowers trade barriers between the two countries.  Since taking effect in 2009, the FTA has benefitted both countries by boosting trade and investment and creating jobs.  Despite its success, the FTA remains an untapped resource for companies in both Oman and the United States.  The Oman American Business Center (OABC), in partnership with the U.S. Embassy to Oman and the Omani Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (Tejarah), launched a video campaign this week to raise awareness of the FTA and encourage more firms to take advantage of it.

Titled “Success Stories of the U.S.-Oman FTA,” the video seeks to raise awareness of the FTA by introducing viewers to companies that operate in Oman and have successfully exported products for sale to the United States duty free, imported products from the United States duty free, or otherwise benefited from the FTA.  Funded by a grant from the U.S. Embassy, and in partnership with the Tejarah, the video features remarks from Omani Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion H.E. Qais Al Yousef, United States Ambassador to Oman H.E. Leslie Tsou, and OABC Chairman Emeritus and President Ali Daud.

“The FTA has greatly benefited Omani companies, as well as U.S. and international firms,” Daud said.  “But it is important to remember that the Free Trade Agreement has also increased the overall amount of [Foreign Direct Investment, or] FDI into Oman and created opportunities and jobs for Omanis over the past 12 years.”

“The United States is the world’s largest economy, and Oman is one of just 20 nations — and two in the GCC — that enjoys free trade in this unique way.  We are very excited to shine a spotlight on just a few of the many success stories of the U.S.-Oman FTA and look forward to inspiring similar stories in the years to come,” Daud said.

Ambassador Tsou encouraged more Omani and American companies to take advantage of the FTA, whose many benefits include duty-free treatment of goods and a no-minimum investment requirement for new businesses.  “The FTA is a pillar of the strong economic partnership between our two countries and provides opportunities to expand prosperity for companies large and small in both Oman and the United States,” she said.  “The Embassy is working closely with the Omani government, the OABC, and other business organizations to strengthen the FTA to benefit both our economies.”

As part of Tejarah’s goals to attract investors and spotlight opportunities for companies in Oman, the video will be shown at the Oman Pavilion at EXPO 2020, attracting the attention of millions from around the globe.

Commenting on the FTA anniversary, HE Qais Al Yousef, Minister of Commerce, Industry & Investment Promotion said: “On this the 12th anniversary of the Oman–U.S. free trade agreement, we celebrate not just this landmark agreement but also the longstanding relationship between our two countries – one that began back in 1840 when Sultan Sayyid Sa’id bin Sultan sent his special envoy, Ambassador Ahmad bin Na’aman Al Kaabi, to New York to cement trade ties between Oman and the United States.”

The Minister added: “The friendship between us is not the only reason American businesses choose to invest in Oman – also playing an important role is the strength of the sultanate’s competitive offer, its pro-business government, strategic location, seamless access to regional markets, world-class infrastructure, skilled talent and the strength and ambition of Oman Vision 2040, the sultanate’s blueprint for social and economic development.”

VIPs, OABC members, and representatives from Oman’s public and private sectors will be the first to preview the video at an inaugural event in early December.  Once released, the video series will be available at www.oabc.org/fta.

About the OABC

The Oman American Business Center (OABC) was founded in 2003 with a mission to foster the development of commercial activity between Oman and the United States, promote U.S. business, and support the Oman business community through programs and events.

As the official affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Oman (AmCham Oman), OABC promotes understanding, partnerships and other matters of mutual economic interest between business communities in Oman and the United States.  The focal endeavor of the OABC is to provide a forum for the exchange of insights, information, ideas, and direction with respect to increasing trade, commerce, and investment between the two countries.

Every year, the OABC has around 30 events focused on knowledge sharing, business opportunities and challenges, legislative changes and networking within the Oman business community.

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October 20, 2021- MuscatDaily published an article titled “US-Oman Bilateral Trade Surpasses $2bn This Year.” Trade between Oman and the United States grew drastically over the last year. An increase in trade shows an increase in the relationship between the two nations. This is the best time to strengthen the relationship between Oman and the US by establishing an Omani commercial presence in the US for exporters to navigate the market.  Oman is one of only two GCC countries that has a free trade agreement with the United States.

Bilateral trade between Oman and the United States has seen significant growth since the end of 2020, according to the figures released by the US Census Bureau.

Total trade between the US and Oman reached over US$2bn as of the end of August 2021, surpassing the total trade recorded for the full year 2020.

This year Oman is running a trade surplus of US$151mn with the United States, according to the latest figures. In 2020, the top Omani exports to the US were aluminum, plastics, chemicals, other commodities, and goods in transit to Canada.

“In January 2021 alone, the US imported over US$200mn worth of Omani products,” Ali Daud, president and chairman emeritus of the Oman American Business Council (US Chamber of Commerce affiliate in Oman), said in a press statement.

“This is more than twice the average we’ve seen in the past ten years. The trade surplus is a very healthy indication that the world’s largest economy, with which Oman has a unique trade agreement, is buying Omani products,” Daud said.

He emphasized that the time is now to strengthen the relationship further by establishing a commercial presence for Oman in the United States. “This will make it easier for Omani exporters to navigate and penetrate the US market. Oman is one of only two GCC countries that have free trade agreements with the US. As a nation, Oman should build on this impressive growth in 2021, and take this success to even greater heights.”

The US Ambassador to Oman H E Leslie M Tsou said that the increased trade is a sign of the overall strength of the US-Oman relationship. “The partnership between our countries is rooted in strong historical ties of friendship, bolstered by a flourishing economic relationship.”

“We see this increase as a sign of Oman’s desirability as a destination for US investment,” she added.

The Oman American Business Center (OABC) was founded in 2003 with a mission to foster the development of commercial activity between Oman and the United States.

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The April 6 event connected Omani and U.S. companies with information on Oman’s new economic stimulus plan and answered questions from U.S. investors interested in Oman


MUSCAT, OMAN: On April 6th, the Oman American Business Center (OABC) hosted a Virtual Majlis with Oman’s Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion, H.E. Qais Al Yousef.

The session presented a unique opportunity for members of the OABC to engage and ask specific questions to better understand the vision and future plans of MOCIIP.  His Excellency Qais Al Yousef discussed incentives for foreign investors and other key information about how the plan will impact the future and Oman’s Vision 2040. The session also addressed business continuity and steps to mitigate the challenges faced by companies due to the pandemic.

OABC President and Chairman Ali Daud opened the session and thanked the official guest of honor: U.S. Ambassador to Oman, Leslie Tsou, before introducing His Excellency and the session’s moderator, OABC Board Member and Treasurer, William Crew of Inspired Solutions.

OABC compiled a list of questions received from its member companies, and during the event, executives were also given the opportunity to ask questions directly via chat.

“We commend His Excellency’s willingness to sit down together and engage with questions from the business community,” says Daud. ”We trust that this first virtual majlis may pave the way for more interaction, discussion, and future sessions between the public and private sectors within Oman.  We would also like to thank our partner, the Bilateral US-Arab Chamber of Commerce, who supported the invitation of their membership as well to this event.”


“It is notable that in spite of, and even because of, the difficult and unique situation the world is facing today, U.S. companies can learn about what Oman has to offer through an online platform rather than physical travel,” continues Daud. “We hope that new opportunities and connections will be made through these efforts and initiatives during this time, as well as the future, as Oman moves towards its Vision 2040.”


As the official affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Oman (AmCham Oman), the OABC promotes understanding, partnerships & other matters of mutual economic interest between business communities in Oman and the United States.


Formed in 2003, the OABC’s mission is to foster the development of commercial activity between Oman and the United States.  With 30 events annually and over 160 member companies, OABC is Oman’s most active business council and networking group.


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In line with its mission to foster the development of trade and commercial activity between Oman and the United States, the Oman American Business Center (OABC) hosted an informational webinar on March 3, entitled ‘Introduction to the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM),’ in partnership with the U.S. Embassy

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The session featured opening remarks by OABC Vice President Fouad Eid, H.E. Asila bint Salim al-Samsami, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion, and U.S. Ambassador Leslie Tsou, followed by a presentation by Rick Angiuoni, Business Development Specialist and Regional Director of Africa, EXIM.

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Mr. Angiuoni discussed the International Buyers Program, with loan guarantees and direct loans for international companies, long-term financing of up to 14 years, and details on accessing specific opportunities. He also led the Q + A.

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If you were unable to attend or would like to review the session, please find the full recording here and the presentation here.

Rick also expressed his willingness to be contacted by members, so please save his address for your records: rick.angiuoni@exim.gov.


What is EXIM?

The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) is the official export credit agency of the United States. EXIM supports the purchases of US-made capital equipment and ancillary services by creditworthy international buyers that cannot obtain credit through traditional trade finance sources. EXIM offers trade financing solutions and helps turn business opportunities into real transactions.
EXIM does not compete with private-sector lenders but provides financing products that fill the gaps in trade financing. It assumes country and credit risks that the private sector is unable or unwilling to accept. EXIM also helps to level the playing field for U.S. companies by matching the financing that other governments provide to their exporters. In more than 85 years of operation, EXIM has supported more than $400 billion of U.S. exports to international markets.
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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact Oman and the region, The National Detergent Company (NDC), the maker of the best detergent brand Bahar, supported the country and the community by introducing a range of innovative and convenient COVID fighting products.

NDC’s COVID fighting product portfolio includes Farah Hand Sanitizer Pocket Spray, Farah Hand Sanitizer Gel, Bahar Premium Antiseptic Liquid, Bahar Antimicrobial Disinfectant Spray, Bahar Gold Multipurpose Disinfectant and PInex.

Farah Hand Sanitizer Pocket Spray, a next-generation hand sanitizer that provides enhanced germ-killing power while being skin-friendly, can be carried in your pocket and offers protection and safety on the go. Farah Hand Sanitizer Gel range – 20ml, 80ml, 270ml, 500ml, 5Ltr, was approved by Oman’s Ministry of Health in the initial stages of COVID -19.

Today, a much sought-after product among consumers in the Sultanate, Farah hand sanitizer contains 70% ethyl alcohol and can kill 99.99% of harmful germs. The hand sanitizer is ideal for corporates, institutions, hospitals, individuals, families and frontline healthcare workers.

NDC’s Bahar Premium antiseptic disinfectant, which provides all-round family protection against germs, has also received the approval from Oman’s Ministry of Health. The disinfectant liquid which is ideal for personal and household cleaning purposes kills 99.99% of germs.

NDC’s other wellness and hygiene products in the laundry, personal and home care segments include Bahar Powder detergent, Bahar Liquid Detergent, Bahar Premium Dishwashing Liquid, Bahar Clean, D’zire antibacterial soap and Farah anti-bacterial hand wash liquid.

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The US Department of State Investment Climate Report on the sultanate released last week applauds Oman for continuing to improve regulatory frameworks to establish an economic climate conducive to foreign investment.

The report highlights Oman’s smooth transition of power in January, which reassured investors of the country’s political stability, and the country’s focus on ports, free trade zones, and logistic hubs as promising developments.

The US Department of State released the 2020 Investment Climate Statements on 165 foreign markets on September 9.

‘Oman is taking steps towards making the country a more attractive destination for foreign investment. However, to improve the country’s overall investment climate substantially, the government will need to lessen its dependency on oil, and open up key sectors to private sector competition and foreign investment. These measures have a renewed sense of urgency in the wake of the dual crises of the oil price collapse and the COVID-19 pandemic,’ stated the report.

Oman touts its geographic advantages and interest in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) in key sectors. It is located just outside the Arabian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, with proximity to shipping lanes carrying a significant share of the world’s maritime commercial traffic and access to larger regional markets. ‘Oman’s most promising development projects and investment opportunities involve its ports and free zones, most notably in Duqm, where the government envisions a 2,000sq km free trade zone and logistics hub at the crossroads of East Africa and South Asia.’

The report added that Oman promulgated five new laws in 2019 to promote investment – the Public-Private Partnership Law; the Foreign Capital Investment Law (FCIL); the Privatisation Law; the Bankruptcy Law; and the Commercial Companies Law.

‘Oman’s long awaited FCIL holds particular promise for removing minimum share capital requirements and limits on the amount of foreign ownership of an Omani company.’

‘His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik’s smooth accession following the passing of the late H M Sultan Qaboos bin Said in January 2020 showed Oman’s political stability, reassuring many investors,’ the report said.

Retrieved from: https://muscatdaily.com/Oman/388006/US-applauds-investment-climate,-stability-in-Oman-