Plenty of business cards were exchanged and many new contacts were made as over 80 OABC members and guests joined our Speed Networking evening at the Crowne Plaza OCEC. The event was designed to accelerate the process of making business contacts in a fun environment and was inspired by many conversations with our members, understanding more about how the OABC can support their business. With many new businesses constantly joining the OABC, speed networking is a great equalizer: everyone has the same amount of time to talk and you are paired with people who you may never have met or people who tend to be shy or more quiet at traditional networking events.

Speed networking                                                                       unnamed

Participants spent more than one hour briefly meeting one on one and exchanging business cards. This was followed by a reception allowing them further those connections they made during the speed networking session.

Based on the wonderful feedback we’ve received; you can expect more events like these in the future.

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