After many months of principled diplomacy, the P5+1 — the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, Russia and Germany — along with the European Union, have achieved a long-term comprehensive nuclear deal with Iran that will verifiably prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and
ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful going forward.

This deal stands on the foundation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), achieved in November of 2013, and the framework for this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), announced in Lausanne on April 2, 2015 that set the requirements for the deal with the P5+ 1 and Iran, alongside the European

As businesses in Oman may be interested in how this may affect them, we are providing the following links, which contain information on this‎ historic agreement, including on the suspension of some sanctions only after and implementation day has been determined by the IAEA.

The first link from the U.S. Department of the Treasury may be of particular use and interest.

For information on the limits of doing business with Iran now:

  • U.S. sanctions relief will be provided through the suspension and
    eventual termination of nuclear-related secondary sanctions, beginning once
    the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verifies that Iran has
    implemented key nuclear-related measures described in the JCPOA
    (“Implementation Day”). The U.S. government will publish detailed guidance
    related to the JCPOA prior to Implementation Day.
  • The P5+1 and Iran also decided on July 14, 2015 to further extend
    through Implementation Day the sanctions relief provided for in the Joint
    Plan of Action (JPOA) of November 24, 2013, as extended. This JPOA sanctions
    relief is the only Iran-related sanctions relief in effect until further
    notice. The U.S. government will issue revised guidance on the continued
    JPOA relief shortly.
  • Effective July 14, 2015, all specific licenses that: (1) were issued
    pursuant to OFAC’s Second Amended Statement of Licensing Policy on
    Activities Related to the Safety of Iran’s Civil Aviation Industry, and (2)
    have an expiration date on or before July 14, 2015, are hereby authorized to
    remain in effect according to their terms until Implementation Day.

Remarks by President of the United States Barak Obama:

White House Page on Iran Deal:

For a statement by United States Secretary of State Kerry:

For a statement by United States Treasury Secretary Lew:

For an explanation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action:

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action:

EU / Iran Joint Statement:

Statement from Energy Secretary Moniz:

Statement by USUN Ambassador Power:

We will be happy to answer any of your questions. Please contact us at

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