Oman American Business Council (OABC)

Oman Ministry of Tourism Tender – Consultancy Services for establishment of Oman Tourism and Convention Bureau

Announcement of International Tender

  • Consultancy companies and offices specialized in the above – mentioned works, registered with the Board of Tender and interested in subscribing to the aforesaid tender may collect tender related – documents through the Digital Portal of e – Tendering on the following link:
  • International companies and institutions non registered at the Sultanate may subscribe to the international tender by submitting a formal correspondence regarding the subscription against the aforementioned fees, provided that they shall register according to the applicable laws in the Sultanate within 30 working days after having been informed of accepting their bids.
  • Bids shall be submitted in line with technical requirements and specifications and enclosed with a temporary banking guarantee issued by a local bank or a foreign bank has a branch in the Sultanate of Oman at a value at least 1 per cent of the value of the bid and valid for 90 days from the date of electronic submission of the bid. Tenderers shall submit the original receipt of the temporary banking guarantee one day before the date of submission of bids at the Ministry’s Directorate of Tenders and Contracts, 2nd floor.
  • The prices of the bids shall be inked in the currency of Omani Rial in numbers and letters and the list of the prices shall be dated, stamped and signed by the tenderer.
  • Priority shall be awarded to the Tender Board registered – companies in the category of small and medium enterprises.
  • The period of submitting the bids starts after the period of inquiries mentioned in the e – tendering system finishes immediately till the last date of submission of bids no later than 10 am.

Support and inquiries:

1 . For more information related to the tender , kindly communicate through the website of the e – tendering

2 . For inquiries related to the technical support through, kindly communicate through or on 24166670

  • The Ministry shall not be obligated to accept the lowest or any other bids.

For further information, kindly communicate with us through or on 22088349 – 22088348

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